The district competition for music was held on April 18.
Choir District Music Results: Show Choir: Superior Mixed Ensemble: Outstanding Performance Honorable Mention, Superior Choir: Superior Women’s Ensemble: Superior Contemporary Acapella Ensemble: Superior Delaney Pohl: Superior Josh Stuckey: Superior Gaby Flores: Superior Haden Rahmig: Excellent Eden Strawn: Excellent JaDenai Cook, Jeanette Gonzales & Paige Dalimata: Excellent The High School Band had an amazing day at District Music Contest. Entries are scored from 1-5, with a 1 (Superior) being the best possible score.
Results in order of Appearance: Morgan Amateis trombone solo: 1-Superior Maddie Martin horn solo: 1-Superior Jayden Mueller trumpet: 1-Superior Jake Paschke trombone solo: 2-Excellent Concert Band: 1,1,1 all judges - and Trophy Hanna Berry flute solo: 1Superior Makayla Cole flute solo: 1-Superior Cadence Frieberger clarinet solo: 1-Superior Katie Eckhardt bassoon solo: 1-Superior Flute Trio:1-Superior Cassandra Hopwood sax solo:1-Superior Sax Quartet: 1-Superior Paige Amateis snare solo: 1-Superior