“Chemical Imbalance: A Jekyll and Hyde Play,” by Lauren Wilson, is a comedic reimagining of the classic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tale, blending elements of horror and humor.The play takes a fresh, satirical approach to the classic story, set in Victorian London, with larger-than-life characters and witty dialogue.
Dr. Henry Jekyll (Aaron Cooper), the famous scientist, is at the heart of the play. His experiments with a mysterious potion have led to his transformation into the monstrous Mr. Hyde, a dangerous alter ego he struggles to control. But unlike the dark and brooding version of Jekyll from Robert Louis Stevenson’s original, this Jekyll has a quirky, endearing side as he navigates the chaos he inadvertently creates.
Ambrosia Jekyll (Kendal Deaver), Dr. Jekyll’s overbearing and eccentric sister, is a main source of comic relief.